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Message from MD
The brand identity of DIPS and the quality that it brings to both the clients & candidates is what matters to us the most. Our focus is not merely placing the candidate to fill a vacancy but to retain them to the longest period possible.
Understanding & foreseeing the unique challenges faced by the various departments of the oil & gas industry, we ensure to provide customized solutions everytime.
It’s the credibility that we have earned during these years that has made us the most reliable recruitment agency when time is a crunch.
Knowing the nuances of oil & gas fields across UAE, we deliver the highest quality standards across the upstream & downstream sectors. With the help of our extensive global network, we ensure to provide the highest success rates even in the rarest disciplines including senior management.
Our long tenure in the industry and global presence gives us access to a substantial resource of unlisted professionals at the top end of all the sectors we work in. Our strength lies in sourcing highly competitive candidates while understanding the aspirations of top-level management.
The relationship that we share with the employees even after finishing their contract and the difference that we are able to make in the life of each employee is remarkable. And, I take pride in the wealth of experience with which the recruitment team handles every query received & fulfills it to the maximum potential.
Col.Saeed Rashed Saif Al Zaabi. (Managing Director)